We offer customized solutions
that align with the specific needs of each client.
International Trade Consulting
Our international trade consulting consists of the following services:
After understanding the specific requirements of the product or service you are looking for in China we will search for the best suppliers. This includes audits of the factories/offices of any potential suppliers.
If you have already found a supplier in China, we will audit their factory/office before you move forward with your purchase.
Through this service we will support you in negotiations both in Mandarin and English, in the follow-up of orders to ensure that your requirements are met, in the coordination of freight, support in the procedures with suppliers and government agencies in order to issue the necessary documentation at destination/port (Certificates of Origin, Certificate of Free Sale, Certificates of Quality, among others).
International Trade Consulting
Our international trade consulting consists of the following services:
After understanding the specific requirements of the product or service you are looking for in China we will search for the best suppliers. This includes audits of the factories/offices of any potential suppliers.
If you have already found a supplier in China, we will audit their factory/office before you move forward with your purchase.
Through this service we will support you in negotiations both in Mandarin and English, in the follow-up of orders to ensure that your requirements are met, in the coordination of freight, support in the procedures with suppliers and government agencies in order to issue the necessary documentation at destination/port (Certificates of Origin, Certificate of Free Sale, Certificates of Quality, among others).
Business Consulting
Our method consists of identifying and analyzing the challenges that your company faces in the market; subsequently, suggestions and ideas are provided through an action plan.
We also offer a collaborative method which integrates the talent of our team with yours to execute the action plan together, in such a way that we do not limit ourselves to just delivering the action plan, instead we seek to execute said plan hand-in-hand with your company.
Public Relations
Depending on the client's need, the action plan can include an entire segment focused on public relations. Janna International's public relations strategy is all about building your reputation and protecting it. We do this by building new mutually beneficial relationships for your company, which will be developed strategically, especially with media, government entities, and potential partners.
Business Consulting
Our method consists of identifying and analyzing the challenges that your company faces in the market; subsequently, suggestions and ideas are provided through an action plan.
We also offer a collaborative method which integrates the talent of our team with yours to execute the action plan together, in such a way that we do not limit ourselves to just delivering the action plan, instead we seek to execute said plan hand-in-hand with your company.
Public Relations
Translation services: Spanish – Mandarin Chinese, English – Mandarin Chinese and Spanish – English.
Chinese Business Etiquette and Protocol Training
Through our Chinese business etiquette and protocol training, your team will learn how to build relationships with Chinese companies and entrepreneurs. This training will review the etiquette of: how to greet Chinese guests to make a favorable first impression, where guests should sit in a meeting room or business dinner according to their level, status, age, etc., how to conduct meetings or committees (both formal and informal), which topics are recommended to create stronger personal and business relationships and which to avoid, as well as many other recommended protocols.
We will also review the political and economic history of China. A basic understanding of relevant history and geopolitical topics will allow for a comprehensive understanding of the business culture within the country. This review will also cover China's strategic relationship with the world and the Belt and Road Initiative.
Chinese Business Etiquette and Protocol Training
Through our Chinese business etiquette and protocol training, your team will learn how to build relationships with Chinese companies and entrepreneurs. This training will review the etiquette of: how to greet Chinese guests to make a favorable first impression, where guests should sit in a meeting room or business dinner according to their level, status, age, etc., how to conduct meetings or committees (both formal and informal), which topics are recommended to create stronger personal and business relationships and which to avoid, as well as many other recommended protocols.
We will also review the political and economic history of China. A basic understanding of relevant history and geopolitical topics will allow for a comprehensive understanding of the business culture within the country. This review will also cover China's strategic relationship with the world and the Belt and Road Initiative.
Public Speaking Training
Through this training we will study the three fundamental pillars of public speech: body language, voice and the speaker's message. Throughout the training, we will specifically address the most common mistakes that often arise when giving a presentation, providing practical tools to overcome the inherent fear of public speaking. Beyond conveying information through a PPT or a speech, our main focus is on equipping your team with the essential skills to captivate the audience through effective leadership, thus fostering a deeper and more meaningful connection with those who listen to them.
This comprehensive process will not only boost individual development, but also strengthen teamwork, generating a positive impact on your company's internal and external communication
This comprehensive process will not only boost individual development, but also strengthen teamwork, generating a positive impact on your company's internal and external communication.
We have a multilingual team!
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One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff.
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Our Team
Convallis ullamcorper aliquet ultrices orci cum vestibulum lobortis erat.
We work through every aspect at the planning
Our company history and facts
I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.
Design & development process demonstration
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul,like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.